Hello all.

I've got an issue that i'll do my best to explain.

we purchased a second hand Weeke unit from an old cabinetry making workshop.
I was keen on it as it had really great hardware.

we've managed to get the fusion post processor going and have been able to successfully run the machine but i came upon an issue where my depth of cut was 6mm short of where it should have been on the z1 ( spindle) axis.

here I started looking around in the drives to see where i could offset it the correct amount to get my 0 back to 0.
somewhere along the way i have managed to change the setting of the x axis master, (there is a master and slave) i don't understand how i have done this as i was in the z axis changing the referance...
i then thought i would press the 'Homing" button to see where it went.. and then all hell broke out..

i think in my ignorance i have accidentally incorrectly referenced the machine.
now when i try and go back to the backups that were done of the drives i get an error saying
' notice
phase switch via serial protocol not possible!
current phase:4
target phase: 2"

my reading of this is that the drive only allows writing on phase 2 but I've got no idea how to enable that phase?

this machine has a berkhoff PLC
a Pilz safety PLC
rexroth servo drives

thanks and apricate any help!

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