Hi all

I bought a second hand Oryx GT3 router and has since been unable to get it to work. The previous owner also commented the same as a result of her selling the machine. I have located the manufacturer in SA but he has been giving me the run around ever since and I have now reached my limit to beg him for help. I was not planning in getting involved in CNC machine setup and configuration but if I want to use this machine I will need help. Anyone who can assist me to setup and configure the machine please I need the help. Machine uses Pokeys 57 cnc controller and Mach 4 control soft ware. I was told by Newfangled solutions my software is not licensed but I can see on the software it is. Seems every new user of the program must purchase anew license which I think is completely ridiculous.Anyhow if anyone out there is willing to assist please let me know.
