an aluminum SHS of 80x80x6 has a moment of inertia of 3,413,225 mm
An aluminum SHS of 100x100x4. has a moment of 8,333,289 mm
If you had two sections, both 1000mm long, the 80mm section will deflect 2.44 times as much as the 100mm section. Both of these section weigh the same, that is to say they have the same amount of material
in each, but the bigger 'geometry' is nearly 2.5 times stiffer.
The idea is to use the biggest geometrical section you can to maximize the stiffness.
Aluminum has a modulus of 70GPa , while steel has a modulus of 207GPa. If you had two sections 100x100x4.8, both 1000mm long, then the aluminum section will deflect 2.95 times as much as the steel section.
The idea is to use the material of the highest possible modulus. For practical CNC purposes that is steel.
If you have two sections of 100 x100x4.8, one 1m long and the other 2m long the long one deflects
8 times as much!!!! That is huge.
I suggest you avail yourself of one of the online beam deflection calculators, they are very instructive. As an example:
Just to put some real numbers on these assertions. From the calculator a 1m long cantilevered 80 x 80 x 6 aluminum SHS loaded with a 1kg (10N) force at the very end deflects by 14mm.
A 1m long cantilevered 100x100x4.8 SHS loaded with the same 1kg (10N) force deflects by only 6mm. The same weight of material in the two sections but the larger geometric section deflects by less than
one half.
A 1m long cantilevered 100x100x4.8 SHS but of steel, loaded with the same 1 kg at the very end deflects by only 2mm, about one third of the same section in aluminum.
A 2m long cantilevered 100x100x4.8 SHS steel loaded again with 1kg at the very end deflects by 16mm....so fully eight times the 1m steel section.
The takeaway is that if you made your machine half the size (1.25m x 0.65m) you would in general expect it to be eight times stiffer than the full size (2.5m x 1.3m) machine made from the same
Big geometric sections are your friend for stiffness, as is steel by comparison to aluminum, and a smaller machine tends to be a
LOT stiffer than a large machine.