hi all,I have finished building my cnc electronics,using nema 23 3NM AND DM556 DRIVER ,now i want to upgrade to nema 34 stepper motor ,and keep my dm556 driver to lower the upgrade cost ,would this driver work with nema 34 4.5nm 4A (ef:34hs7440d14l34j5) frm act-motor ,thanks in advance
here is the full motor specs,sorry its in frensh i did copy paste from ebay
link https://www.ebay.com/itm/394033358790
motor specs:
Numéro d'article : 34HS7440D14L34J5-25.
Type de moteur : moteur pas à pas Nema34 Hyprid.
Angle d'étape : 1,8 °.
Tension nominale (V) : 1,36.
Courant nominal (A/phase) : 4,0.
Résistance de phase (?) : 0,31.
Inductance de phase (mh): 2,86
Couple de maintien (N.m. 4,5 min.
Couple de repos (N.cm Max) : 6,5
Nombre de câbles de raccordement : 4.
Inertie du rotor (g.cm²) : 1400.
Dimensions mécaniques :
Dimensions du cadre : 86 x 86 mm.
Longueur du moteur : 78 mm.
Diamètre de l'arbre : 14 mm.
Longueur d'onde : arbre à ressort 34 mm.
Poids : 2,30 kg.
yes, your existing driver (Dm556) will work with that motor. Try it and see. I rather suspect that you will want a much higher input voltage (80VDC or so) to get your 34 size steppers to
a good top speed. In which case you'll likely have to replace the DM556's and power supply eventually, but they will work in the meantime.
Thanks Craig for your replay.
Yes ,for now I only want to upgrade the motor but I am planning to replace the dm556 driver and the power supplies too in the future,what would you suggest for driver and ps that will be best suited for this nema 34 craig