Anybody have any ideas how to wire this up? please
Hi guys i need some input please. A good few months ago i decided to do a complete rebuild of my cnc router. I've decided to use a breakout board that i bought last year on a wim. The rason for this is that it has 0-10v pwm control which will allow me to control my spindle from linuxcnc. The problem i have is that i never had any real instructions for it hence why it was never used. I think the connections in the main are self explanatory but i do question some of the translation.
here is the beast and instructions, i removed the pic of the board from the doc so i could upload it but it was the same as the separate pic anyway without the labels. The areas that confuse me a bit are what they call common cathode and and common anode? do they really mean that? note that there are 3 connections for each of the relays.
My machine is a 3 axis router with duel screws (X and A), i'm using typical 4.5 amp steppers so no surprises there for wiring. So my questions are what connections do i need to connect to the VR, VI, ACM and relay for my hauyang VFD. Any comments around any connections made to it would be really appreciated.
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Anybody have any ideas how to wire this up? please
Ok here is my thinking so far please correct me if you think i'm wrong here.
Driver to use for each axis is an M542-G, the USB connector will be connec ted to a 5v supply. 24v and GND on the left of the BOB will be connected to a separate 24v supply.
P1 = X axis Step +
P2 = X axis Dir +
P3 = Y axis Step +
P4 = Y axis Dir +
P5 = Z axis Step +
P6 = Z axis Dir +
P7 = A axis Step + (second screw of X axis)
P8 = A axis Dir + (second screw of X axis)
P9 = ENA +
All the above connect ' - ' to a 'Common Cathode'
This is difficult as interpretation of instructions is really bad but my guess is?
Analog Signal 0-10v = VR + on VFD (right hand side connections along the bottom of the bob)
Power GND = ACM on VFD (right hand side connections along the bottom of the bob)
Select the first connection of a relay = FOR on VFD
Select the second connection of the relay = DCM on VFD
What do i connect VI to?
Is there anybody that can read chinese that could attempt to translate what is seen on the board please.
Thanks to anybody that will even just give an opinion on this.
Last edited by 2e0poz; 12-22-2014 at 12:00 PM.
Is there anybody else using this BOB?
Think i have worked out the relay connections.
In order the three connections are
NO - Volt In - NC
Buzzing out the board i have worked out that relays corrospond to the following pins:
Relay 1 = Pin 14
Relay 2 = Pin 16
Relay 3 = Pin 17
You can disable the relays from these pins by removing the jumpers located above pin 4 on the board
Still cannot work out Which pin on the BOB to connect VI to from the VFD? any input would be grateful
Can you post some pics of what you need translated?
And a pic of the board?
I've posted a few times and had hit or miss responses / feedback so I know how aggravating it can be. I don't speak Chinese but have several friends there and may be able to get help from them with the translation.
I am going through a setup revision on my mill and worked through getting the VFD installed and setup in Mach3; mostly that was ports & pins setup on the input to the BOB, not so much the outputs from the BOB.
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Hi Dstamp thanks for coming back to me. I think i am sorted with the translation now through staring and staring at the pics and running through the circuit. the only thing in Chinese is the ports maked up as Anode and Cathode which i understand now, so no problem there. The only issue i really have left is where i should connect the 'VI' port on the VFD to. I should be left with two pins for the other relays which i will use to turn on the VAC and Cooling for the spindle.
Once i can connect and test all the ports i will make sure i post a proper pinout with explanation for everybody. In general this is a well buit and layed out board, only the instructions let it down. I will wire it up only connecting my digital meter later today and run through testing everything.
Just relised a mistake (too comfortable using different drivers). All the axis will connect to a common Anode as that is what the M542 drivers require. Individual ' - ' connections will be swaped over with the ' + ' ones. Still stumped on what i should connect to the 'VI' port on the VFD, any help with is still needed please.
What VFD do you have?
I might be in the same boat as you, while I'm trying to wire my 1.5kW VFD and watercooled spindle through my G540 to control through Mach3.
KL-4530 CNC, KL-6060, 5 3D printers, CNC Fusion Converted LMS Milling Machine, 60w Laser Cutter
It's the hauyang 2.2kw
Hi, Did you get the way to connect this BOB? I have the same problema with wiring everything
I'm in the same boat... I'd like to use only the inputs, the vfd-0-10v and the relays. Not the stepper connections, as i have a seperate module with integrated drivers for that one.
I'm interested in how the parallel-port is wired up? is there a mach-3 standard? i'd like to use linux-cnc instead.
Hello i have that same breakout board but confused on wireing . my drives are the jk0220 drivers anyone got a idea. Thanks in advance.
Hi 2e0poz,
The M542 drivers? You mean Leadshine M542 drivers?
see if any of this helps
Are you geting 0-10vdc on the VFD between terminal ACM and VI (ACM is your common ground and VI is your analog input)... you have connected these two to your BOB?
Dear all friends that we have the same board.
I hope you are all jump over your difficulties.
I have to say that to use PWM output for spindle inverter port P1 we will use. But P1 port have two options. 0-10V PWM output for spindle or X Axis step output by selecting Open/close position of P1 jumper same as relay outputs.
Are you agree with me?
I just acquired this board, so I have noticed that the best cnc site has not responded with a answer.
I guess I should just toss it in the garbage... what a waste.
going by the photo in post 1
the board has what looks like three 7414 hex inverters powered from the usb connector to buffer the 12 outputs from the printer port
you can use either the usb 0V or +5V as the common depending on which stepper drivers your using and how you have wired them
in post 6 , pins 14 , 16 & 17 when the jumpers are fitted can control the relays
with no information on which pin is the input to the PWM to analogue converter you will have to try one output pin at a time until you find the one you need
( it may be pin 1)
I guess the 12 to 24V input powers a switch mode regulator possibly for the 5 inputs ( for E-stop, & limit switches { pins 10 to 13 & 15})
also the input for a linear regulator ( LM317 adjustable regulator set to 10V out ??) for the PWM to analogue 0 - 10V converter
so if you use all 3 relays and the PWM converter you will only have 8 outputs remaining to control 4 stepper drivers
( pins 2 to 9 would make sense as they are the 8 pins that send the 8 bit data to the printer )
what do you need to connect to the breakout board and what stepper drivers are you using ???
high resolution photos of both sides of the board may make it possible to reverse engineer the board to see how it should work
for example this is a TX14174 board
note -
this board has a DC to DC converter so it does not need to have the usb connection
and uses two 74HC245 octal buffers instead of the three 7414 hex inverters
Last edited by john-100; 12-25-2017 at 06:27 PM. Reason: add PS