[TNGv2] - 2022-08-12

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Thread: [TNGv2] - 2022-08-12

  1. #1
    Member PlanetCNC's Avatar
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    Default [TNGv2] - 2022-08-12

    Fix: Wrong deceleration in diagonal jogging
    Fix: Bug in tool compensation

    Fix: New certificate

    Fix: Removed broken certificate
    Fix: Issues with license if certificate is broken
    Fix: Tool compensation with length zero moves
    Fix: Issue with G09 on same line with some other g-codes
    Fix: G40 and G61/G64 in same line
    New: More option in image import
    New: Export G-Code and Save G-Code
    New: Metamorphosis offset
    New: Separate speed for homing ABC axes
    Mod: Supported cap and join type in SVG files

    Fix: Wireless handwheel E-Stop button with custom Handwheel.txt did not work correctly
    New: Option to invert ExtIn inputs
    Fix: Multiple Expr.txt files
    New: Support for PoKeys digital and analog IO.
    New: Parameter "debug"
    New: "Performance monitor" helps detect computer issues
    Fix: Issue with spindle override and synchronize

    New: Expression commands 'serial_read', 'serial_readdata', 'serial_readbuffer'
    New: Expression command 'return'
    Mod: Expression egine now supports string variables
    New: full support for serial and ModBus RTU
    New: Fission ToolTable CSV support
    New: EStop on communication error
    New: Jogging in transformed direction using jogging vector.
    Fix: PWM woth low duty cycle glitch
    Mod: Multiline expressions

    Fix: Z level with G06.2 H2
    New: G06.3 H8 interpolate command
    Mod: Spindle sped measurment more roust against noise
    New: Full support for ExtIn board
    New: Support for "expression shortcuts"

    New: New LED options.
    New: Parameter "_pause_optional"
    Mod: Wireless handwheel macros - more features
    New: Parameters "buffer_new", "buffer_delete", "buffer_printstring", "buffer_printdata", "buffer_setstring", "buffer_setdata", "buffer_setdata16", "buffer_setdata32", "buffer_crc16", "buffer_crc32"
    New: Parameters "serial_list", "serial_info", "serial_open", "serial_config", "serial_close", "serial_write", "serial_writedata", "serial_writebuffer"
    New: Expr.txt events #Loop15, #Loop60 and #Loop300 that execute every 15, 60 and 300 seconds.
    New: CommandIDs jogStepSet and jogRoundSet
    New: Print of problematic lines in tool compensation
    New: Parameter "_hw_sim"
    New: G06.3 implemented
    Fix: Bug in do..while loop
    New: parameter "_tool_spdfeedz_num"
    Mod: Parameters "_hw_extin1_num", "_hw_extin2_num", "_hw_extout1_num", "_hw_extout2_num"
    Mod: ExtIn and ExtOut implementation is upgraded
    New: Support for ExtIn board
    Mod: Major improvements in tool compensation (G41, G42)
    Fix: Check for updates
    Fix: Freeze when printing pipe (|) character
    Mod: Updated digital signatures to SHA256
    Fix: Issues with G33.1 P1 fixed

    Fix: Added G90 to some scripts.
    New: Expression command 'exec' can execute subprograms
    New: Expression 'buffer' type
    New: Serial port support
    New: Expression commands 'tomachinexy', 'tomachineuv', 'toworkxy', 'toworkuv'
    New: G-code M52 to adjust controller buffer limits
    New: Parameter "_hw_bufflimit"
    Fix: G95 bug fix

    New: Added initial support for PC serial ports
    Fix: G06.2 Z level
    New: Script checker checks if your scripts are different than built-in.
    New: Expr.txt events #OnWheel. This is triggered if mpg key is pressed ot _hw_mpg_custom is changed.
    New: Parameter "_hw_mpg_custom" for handwheel in "C" mode.
    Mod: New options in measuring scripts

    Mod: G49 now accepts H0 word.
    New: Jog Alt1 and Alt2 pins can be used for shortcuts.
    New: G-Codes higher than G100 can be scripted like O macros.
    New: Option to disable spindle synchronization
    Fix: Spindle synhronization with "As Set" setting
    New: Default speed in G95 mode
    Fix: Accuracy of slider component
    New: Timeout option for serial comunication
    New: (arrclr) comment comand
    New: Font Scale setting
    New: Support for RTL localization
    New: Croatian, Hindi, Hebrew, Finnish, Chinese, Arabic translation (machine translation)
    Mod: Motion interpolator optimizations
    New: $<datetime>, $<date> and $<time> strings for use in comment type commands
    New: 3D display axes colors and linetype settings

    Fix: RoundUp function
    Mod: TSV Fusion360 tooltable format updated
    New: Audio player settings

    Fix: RoundUp, Floor, Ceil functions
    New: WAV/MP3 audio player expression commands
    New: Beep and Siren sound expression commands
    New: Midi settings
    Fix: Rotational axis homing
    New: Serial read/write (M65)
    New: "crc16" comment function for calculating Modbus CRC.

    New: Wireless handwheel button configuration with "Handwheel.txt" file
    New; Expression commands rgb2hue, rgb2sat, rgb2lum, rubik, url, sha256, sha256_f, md5, md5_f, cam_grab, cam_color, cam_rect

    Mod: Performance optimizations
    Fix: Missing axis name in measuring results
    Fix: Rounding issue in cycle return plane height
    API: Arduino examples are modified to support Arduino Due
    API: Example for 7" coordinate display
    Fix: Tangential knife orientation in dxf import

    Fix: Toolchange position in tooltable

    Mod: More options for setting tool offset during toolchange.
    Mod: Spline interpolation improved.
    Mod: Support for flipped horizontals in dxf arcs and circles.
    New: Support for command line parameters in python (see cmdargs.py example)
    Fix: Spindle and feed speed in cycles when multiple lines are used ad word is in first line

    Mod: Some small fixes

    Mod: Updated G-Code manual
    New: Nested interpreters are now supported. Subinterpreters are now stack based and MDI/jogging commands are possible.
    New: Additional tool parameters
    New: Speed and feed calculator!!!
    Mod: Measuring scripts updated and implemented as O macros
    New: Probe calibration
    New: Cooling interval option
    New: Wireless pendant can OK/Close dialogs
    New: Cycle command group and couple of cycles
    New: Operator panel with "distance to travel"
    New: Expr.txt events #OnJog and #OnCmd
    New: Second bottom toolbar with BtnBottom2.txt
    New: Many other small features and improvements

    Fix: Tool radius left/right swap
    Fix: "Start From Selected Line" with incremental (G91) g-code
    Fix: Wireless pendant follows work offset/coord system settings
    Fix: File filters for kdialog

    New: M11P10 /M11P11 g-code to turn soft limits on/off
    New: #OnStart Expr.txt event
    New: #OnEnd Expr.txt event
    New: #OnStop Expr.txt event
    New: #OnEStop Expr.txt event

    Fix: Tool radius bug
    Fix: Case sensitivity in external scripts

    New: Tooltable parameters are now read/write
    Fix: Bug with resursive subprocedures

    Fix: Refresh issues during paused g-code
    New: Remove entry from recent files with Ctrl+Shift

    New: Import CAD option for smooth
    Fix: Import CAD bugs

    New: G-code (clipboard)
    New: SVG import
    New: Import CAD option for union and offset
    Fix: Limit input for 9th axis
    Mod: Work offset is not reset by entering settings
    Mod: Home positions are not reset by entering settings
    Fix: Backlash rounding error
    New: More options for displying tool name during tool change
    New: Parameter '_hw_output_freqN' and '_hw_output_dutyN'

    New: Plugin API for C/C++ plugins
    Mod: USB enumeration
    New: Use E word setting for 3D printers
    New: G-code functions U8, S8, U16, S16, U32, S32
    New: G-code functions ToU8, ToS8, ToU16, ToS16, ToU32, ToS32
    New: G-code functions FromU8, FromS8, FromU16, FromS16, FromU32, FromS32
    New: G-code function Expr
    New: Parameter '_expr' for Expr result
    New: G-code (print) with hex formatting
    Mod: Internal subprocedures are now visible from sublevels
    Mod: Local argument parameters are no longer changed in subprocedures
    New: Parameter '_hw_isprog'
    New: Parameter '_hw_iscmd'
    New: Parameter '_hw_isjog'

    New: RTL text direction support in localization
    New: Execute MIDI commands

    Fix: Removed some testing leftovers

    Fix: Rounding bug in backlash (this time for real)

    New: Spindle IndexRPM divisor setting.
    Fix: Rounding bug in backlash
    Mod: German localisation
    Mod: Maximum allowable values in measuring dialogs increased

    New: Usb commands can be automatically executed if condition is true
    New: 'py' and 'pythr' expr functions
    Fix: Nested strings in expressions
    New: '(paramsclear)' gcode command
    Mod: Parameters are no longer cleared when entering settings
    New: Support for dxf files with incorrect vertex counts
    New: Warning for "Revert to V1" command
    Fix: Last character in print command was truncated
    Fix: Jog commands were not part of Jog group

    New: Usb plugin device now has separate read and write expressions
    New: Multiple Expr.txt files
    New: Expr.txt #OnInit and #OnShutdown sections
    Fix: Settings window could be under Script window
    New: New _warp_offset parameter
    New: Work and CS measure scripts now compensate for warp offset
    Fix: Measure surface script
    New: Probe EStop setting

    Mod: Tool measure script now uses work coordinates for return
    Mod: M6 script now uses work coordinates for return
    New: Python gcode.open() command
    Mod: Maximum possible speed override increased to 1000%
    Fix: Warp with points in inches

    Fix: Editing of large programs
    Fix: Mpg display
    Fix: Warp in inch units
    New: Settings for motionless coordinates
    New: Improved trajectory planner

    Fix: Freeze with large programs
    Fix: Mpg display
    New: Custom toolbar buttons

    New: Parameters for THC settings

    Fix: Bug with slow jogging via API
    Fix: 3D grid had wrong point locations
    Fix: Option to exclude tool offset had problems with arcs
    Fix: Extents now include arc bulges
    New: Shapes collection
    New: G06.1 g-code
    New: G06.2 H1 g-code
    New: G06.2 H2 g-code
    New: G06 g-code
    Mod: Dxf import algorithms
    New: Dxf import spline to arc interpolation
    New: Dxf export new options

    Fix: Firmware update in NET controllers
    Fix: Manual toolchange script
    New: Commands to unwind rotary axes
    New: Machine 3d visualization
    New: Option to exclude tool offset from g-code
    New: Option to include tool offset on tool marker

    New: Tool sensor position visualized
    New: G28 and G30 position visualized
    New: Mpg and JogKbd now have faster and continuous step mode
    Fix: Bug in homing (and other measure) scripts

    New: ToolOffset Rapid Height setting
    New: Option to set THC apeed and acceleration limits
    Api: New commands for dialogs
    New: Dialogs in Python
    New: Dialog options to hide "cancel" button
    Mod: More reliable "LineNumber"
    Fix: With G61 deceleration was incorrect

    Api: Command for file open dialog
    Pyt: Commands to read image pixel values
    New: Parameter '_thcen'
    New: Indicator to show if THC is enabled and active

    Api: New SPI and SPIpin command for ExtOut boards
    Fix: Reverse setting for spindle encoder
    New: THC inc and dec via API
    Mod: No finishing pass for g-code G12/G13 with H0
    Fix: Show Log crashes on MacOS
    Api: LineNumCB
    New: New parameters for CVS export
    Fix: Comments without ( were also executed
    New: Option to hide yellow position cone, to send it front/back and set color to transparent
    New: PWM improvments for high speed laser engraving/printing
    New: Support for g-code files with CR line endings

    New: Manually adding points
    New: (pointpos) G-code
    Fix: Shortcuts for step jogging of XY and UV diagonal axes
    Fix: PotCenter setting caused crash in some cases
    Mod: Spindle synchronization response improved
    Api: Fixed "LineList" commands
    Api: New "GetProfilePath" command
    New: Option to reverse single axis with MPG.

    New: Translation to Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish
    Fix: M98/M99 issue
    Fix: Save button on MacOS version was not enabled
    Mod: Transparency for hover and selected g-code display improved
    New: G76 lathe threading g-code implemented
    Fix: Editing non-unicode g-code with invalid characters
    Fix: Arc g-code without G2, G3 and axis words (only IJK)

    New: 3D alpha setting for traverse moves
    Fix: Some missing translations
    Fix: Weird bug in cycles
    Fix: EStop events incorrectly triggered on normal Stop

    Fix: Wireless handwheel - wrong leading zeros on display
    Mod: Tool table dialog is now resizable
    Mod: Coordinate systems dialog is now resizable
    Fix: Work position sometimes incorrectly displays Z coordinate when Warp is disabled
    Fix: Probe input canceled pause
    New: Save points to DXF file
    New: Motion state is set to G80 on interpreter reset
    New: Settings/Scripts remember last selection
    New: Separate Speed Override Min/Max settings for feed and traverse
    Fix: Typing number starting with dot in position panel triggered an error
    Fix: Command scripts are selecting loaded g-code lines
    Fix: Transformations and drill cycles
    New: Status LEDs
    New: G-code dialogs and messages OK/Cancel buttons are clicked by Start, Stop and EStop shortcuts
    Fix: Toolpath history coordinates were incorrect in some cases
    Mod: THC - support for packets larger than 1
    New: Jogging and probe axis lock
    New: Parameters _hw_axislock, _prog_maxspeed, _prog_minspeed, _prog_maxspindle, _prog_minspindle
    New: G73 drill cycle now supports partial retract
    New: (msg) and (print) now support displaying tool names.
    New: Tool names displayed on toolchange
    New: Toolchange supports message and pause at same time
    New: Toolchange script now handles spindle
    Fix: Outputs/Spindle/Coolant pins were turned off on probe if EStop event was set
    Fix: Spindle direction pin retains state on spindle off

    Fix: Some localization issues
    Fix: JogPot setting in inch units
    Mod: Driver digital signature updated
    Fix: Firmware update issue

    New: Different speeds for ATC move 1 and 2
    New: Tooltable option to skip tool (for example laser as secondary spindle)
    New: THC for plasma machines
    Mod: Program/Shift - presets
    Fix: Machine/Work Position/Camera XY script
    Fix: Inverted output initial state
    Mod: Support for 3D transformations

    Fix: Dxf dialog import in inch units
    Fix: HPGL import dialog in inch units
    Fix: Gerber import dialog in inch units
    Fix: Machine/Work Position/Camera XY script
    New: Toolchange ATC script
    Fix: Machine/Start commands -> renamed because of duplicate names

    Fix: Simulation flood and mist fixed
    New: word parameters in M-code scripts (PQRDEHL)
    Mod: Mill Cycles are now fully implemented (including both packing codes G83 and G73)
    Mod: G12, G13 are now fully implemented
    New: G-code function 'Active[]'
    New: Start from selected line - option to restore state
    New: Start from selected line - restored motion mode
    Fix: Units issue with G20 active and UI in millimeters
    Fix: G33 and pause bug
    Mod: Renamed menu Machine/Advanced to Machine/Start
    Mod: Reorganized Machine/Options menu
    New: Simulation of probe trigger
    New: Toolchange Autoreturn

    New: USB expansion boards support commands from G-code
    Mod: M61 G-code no longer changes selected tool parameter
    New: API example ProjectMicro2 for Arduino
    Mod: Python perfomance tweaks
    Mod: Consolidated Program Options setting pages
    New: Restore state on estop and stop
    Fix: G10L9 with G91 bug
    New: Tooltable - sensor offset setting
    New: Tooltable - user parameters
    New: Toolchanger settings (ATC is still on TODO)

    Fix: Sync 3D color
    Mod: OnStart script now supports parameters posstate_x..w, miststate, floodstate, spindlestate, motorsstate, limitsstate
    Fix: G33 bug
    Fix: Spindle Sync Signal setting
    Fix: ExtIn problems
    New: ExtIn pin as shortcut
    New: Spindle, Mist and Flood now work even if output pins are not set
    Fix: Small bug in G33.1
    New: Single Step
    New: Start/Stop shortcuts for OK/Cancel in dialogs
    Fix: Line numbers on comments were incorrect

    New: New parameters: _motoroutputorder_axis, _motoroutputreverse_axis
    New: New parameters: _motorspu_axis, _motorspeed_axis, _motoracc_axis, _motordec_axis
    New: Support for gantry squaring measurements
    Fix: Freeze during dwell
    New: EStop event "Outputs Off"
    Mod: Blend angle calculation optimization
    New: UserGen and UserCmd examples
    New: New parameters: '_tooloff_axis', '_workoff_axis', '_axisoff_axis', '_coordsys_axis'
    Fix: Some glitches in measurements
    Fix: Tool offset measuring script
    New: MDI history delete and reorder features
    Mod: Measure height scripts
    Mod: Spindle settings

    New: G43 and G44 tool offset g-code - added support for G0 and G1 on same line.
    Fix: Bug with autoremoved subroutine.
    Fix: Zoom to part when no program is loaded.
    Fix: Windows installation now asks for target folder
    Fix: Installation files for Linux and MacOS
    New: Expression functions 'startfn' and 'startcode'
    New: Python 'result' object
    Mod: InfoPosition API is faster
    New: 'tooltip=' custom button attribute
    Fix: 'Inc' and 'Dec' g-code functions
    New: 'Def' function
    New: Clickig 'Cancel' on g-code dialog will trigger 'OnStop' script
    New: Expression operators '&&', '||' and '!'
    New: Automatically generate 'Script', 'UserCmd' and 'UserGen' folders
    New: Support for ExtIn and ExtOut boards
    New: New options for '(arrchr)' g-code comment
    Mod: M64 now supports data reading (R and D words, M64ex7.txt sample file)
    Note: Mill Cycles are partialy completed
    Note: G12, G13 are partially completed

    First beta version of TNG v2

    First "preview" version of TNG v2

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    Last edited by PlanetCNC; 08-12-2022 at 04:59 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: [TNGv2] - 2020-02-07

    Main new feature in G76 for lathe threading implementation and translation to Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish language.

    Last edited by PlanetCNC; 02-07-2020 at 09:28 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: [TNGv2] - 2020-07-31

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  4. #4
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  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: [TNGv2] - 2021-10-08

    Experimenting with 7" TFT display and Arduino Due

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[TNGv2] - 2022-08-12

[TNGv2] - 2022-08-12