We have a L2415 Amada laser with a fanuc 16L control and had to replace a board inside and the tech lost all our original parameters. He uploaded factory parameters from a similar machine. We now have two problems that we did not have before.

1. The machine used to have swing away clamps that would swing out of the way if the laser head came into the deadzone. At some point the machine was fitted with solid clamps and the deadzone decativated.
With the new parameters the deadzone is active and we cannot cut within 4.5 inches of the clamps.

2. We used to be able to adjust the cutting height to cut square tube held in a fixture by adjusting the follow height setting. It does come down to the top of the tube, but there is no power....it basically etches even though it is a E3 cut command.

Any help would be great. I am not a laser operator, but have fanuc experience from machining centers so my terminology may not be correct.

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