I need some help please.
Why is my laser firing at full power regardless of the power setting in Lightburn and even when the Ruida is set to 0 power for both min and max power settings.
I have checked all connection from Ruida to Laser power supply.
The laser on signal switches high to low on command.
I measure the PWM signals at the power supply (M80) 80Watt. have been tested at 25%,50% and 75% as you can see from my photos all are good.
I made a test lead as per Cloudray and the psu out put full power regardless of the potentiomet settin. The switch did it's job and switche power on/off as required.
I'm struggling now.
I suspect my Power supply is ignoring the l on 1 signal. I have asked Cloudray for a warranty replacement but all I get is the same questions over and over.
Mr Moderator. IF this is in the wrong forum would you kindly move it for me. Thanks
Also I cannot seem to upload my pictures. I select the pics I want loaded from the 'manage Attachements' but once selected and shown on the list they refuse to upload!
Also when I tried to save changes here i get 'not logged in message' when i try to log in again it directs me to ' Industry Arena '