Here is a list of Posts that i have. We have a couple Robodrill 14ia with 16i-ma controls and 4 axis on one machine. If only 3 axis post is available that is fine for now although 4 axis would be better. Basically the posts we have are various Fadal, Fanuc, and both VMC and Lathe posts and there is also a Centroid post. The Fadal ones do vary. One is specific to 3 axis and the others are various 4 axis versions including one that is set to index the A axis and initiate the brake on and off as it rotates. We tried the Fanuc VMC we have on the Robodrill but there are some Doosan also machine specific applications that didnt function with our Robodrills but work fine on our others. If any of the below listed may help you message me and i can send you the actual file or a couple variations to see which you prefer. No cost but a trade would be fantastic. thanks

1.) Fadal Format 2 5AS
2.)Fadal Edited Post
3.) Fanuc OiMate Vangard
4.)Fanuc OiMF Doosan DNM 4500 VMC5Axis
5.) Fanuc OiMF Doosan DNM350 5axis
6.) cncvis Fadal 3/4 axis
7.) Fanuc 30iMB
8.) Fadal Format 2 4 axis
9.) Fadal Format 2 G54 4 axis
10.) Centroid

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