Multicam MG103 with ATC - highly upgraded UCCNC retrofit

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Thread: Multicam MG103 with ATC - highly upgraded UCCNC retrofit

  1. #1

    Default Multicam MG103 with ATC - highly upgraded UCCNC retrofit

    35,000 OBO

    Not currently stored under power. Depending on interest I may get it set up and under power. Located in Provo, UT

    6 x 12 ft cutting area
    8 inches Z clearance
    15 HP Colombo Spindle
    Automatic 8 tool changer
    Vacuum Table with 80hp vacuum pump
    Water cooled Spindle
    Wireless pendant controller
    Runs on UCCNC with a highly customizable interface, possible to be programmed with a 4th lathe axis
    Remote monitor/control capable
    Head mounted webcam for remote monitoring
    Control station runs on Ethernet and can be placed anywhere in the shop
    PC brain optimized to handle simple to very large tool paths
    Spindle head plate with extra space, ready to receive drill or plasma

    3hp high capacity dust collector, 1 micron filter bags, and all necessary 8in piping
    Lots of End Mills, including 1/8 in ball nose, 1/4 in flat/ball nose, 1/2 in flat/ball nose, 1 in ball nose, 2 in planer + others
    10 Tool holders
    26 Gallon ultra quiet air compressor
    All other necessary tools inc lubrication

    Powerful machine, can be run fast through MDF, plywood, hardwood, aluminum, plastic, brass + foam. Can also be run through steel but I never used that way. it was used primarily for highly detailed engraving.

    I'm including 10 hours of remote consultation time for 6 months for help with setup or building custom macros/operations for your project. I'm also happy to do in person setup for time+travel.

    Walkthrough video:

    Similar Threads:
    Last edited by Parkgrr; 08-14-2024 at 11:12 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Multicam MG103 with ATC - highly upgraded UCCNC retrofit

    Price change 25,000, looking to move this pretty quick

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Multicam MG103 with ATC - highly upgraded UCCNC retrofit

Multicam MG103 with ATC - highly upgraded UCCNC retrofit