Hey ksfsds,
I assume you have 512 Kb program storage.
Cheapest solution if you want to avoid the M198 option on CF-Card is Fanuc's software;
- Fanuc Memory Card Program Edit Tool (v5) - Fanuc A08B-9010-J700/ZZ11
It runs on the Fanuc 0i-D and 0i-F Series and 30i + Series.
It's a small program that creates a BIN-file on the CF-card that acts like Fanuc Memory.
You can edit, see the code-lines while running the program and you can start wherever you want.
Search on the Fanuc or Doosan forum for more info and a test BIN-file that you can try.
If you want extra Memory it costs you $1000,-/ Mb or you need a 2Gb/4Gb Data-Server ( $4000,- to $6000,- )
Max. memory on a Fanuc 0i-D or 0i-F is 2 Mb.
The Edit software costs €20,- ( $24,- ) in Europe and can handle programs up to 2Gb according Fanuc.
Fanuc's Program Transfer Tool - A08B-9510-J515 Edition v15.0 can handle these BIN-files on CF-card but you don't need it,
it's transfer software for connection between PC and machine via Ethernet and cost in Europe also €20,- ( $ 24,- )
The 0i-F Series has a deeper CF-slot, I don't know about the 0i-D, we have an original Short Fanuc CF-Card adapter which allows you
to close the CF-slot cover so no dirt or dust can get to the card or slot.
- Fanuc-CF-Card-adapter - A02B-0303-K150, ..... €82,- / $98.- that's what it costs at Fanuc Europe.
Sorry for the long story :-)