Screen Pan Function

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Thread: Screen Pan Function

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Screen Pan Function

    Am I just missing it or Is there no Mouse Button or even menu item to "Screen Pan" in Enroute 23? I have searched high and low, not even a mention of it anywhere. I can only use the drag bars at bottom / side to pan around. Mouse Zoom works as expected. I'm a long time Autocad user, Cant imagine not being able to quickly pan around a drawing.

    Perhaps I am just missing something.

    Thank You

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Re: Screen Pan Function

    I'm not at my Enroute computer right now so can only give you a general guide to this.

    Basically Enroute PANS by pressing the left or right mouse button while holding the CTRL or SHIFT key, and then moving the mouse.

    This is one of those functions that my fingers know what to do but I'm not positive about which combination PANS. Another combination will zoom in and out.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Screen Pan Function

    There are two different ways to move the screen using the mouse. One is to press and hold the shift key, then right click and hold with the mouse. You can then drag the screen in any direction with the mouse. However this function does not work when many of Enroute's tools are open.

    Another way, and this way seems to usually work, is to use the scroll wheel on your mouse (if you have one). If you hold the Shift key while scrolling the screen will pan up and down, holding the Ctrl key while moving the scroll wheel will pan left/right. Normally using the scroll wheel by its self will zoom the screen in/out on the point of the mouse pointer. You can also change the screen centering by zooming in and out with the scroll wheel, zoom out with the mouse pointer on one side of the screen, then zoom in while holding the mouse pointer over the part of the screen you want to be the new center.

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Screen Pan Function