Need Help! Lost, need help with RS232 connection

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Thread: Lost, need help with RS232 connection

  1. #1
    Member n25philly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default Lost, need help with RS232 connection

    Please excuse me if I don't explain this well as I am not a machinist myself, just tasked with taking care of this. Our company has an OKK MCV-520 with a Meldas M2a controller. There was an old windows XP computer set to send programs to the machine via serial port. Last week we had some bad storms and during some power issues the hard drive on the computer died. I replaced the computer but we are having issues getting programs loaded to the machine. I replaced it with another windows XP computer from the same general time the old one was from, but unfortunately the person who set all this up and got it all working died many years ago and no one thought to back anything up.

    I've tried pretty much every setting I can think of. We are trying to send using procomm plus. It seems like the settings that should be used are the following:

    Baud: 4800
    Parity: even
    Data Bits: 7
    Stop bits: 2
    Software flow control
    Drop DTR to hangup

    I tried to match the port settings in windows to match but there is no option for software flow control. If I set it to no flow control I get an "rs232-c" error while if I set it to hardware or Xon/Xoff I get a "partity H" error.

    i've tried a number of other configurations, all getting one of the above errors or it just times out and says that the device is not ready. I'm pretty much spent 2 full days on just this and need to get to other work so any help is really appreciated. We have been working under the assumption that the OKK and cable are both working fine. I've been trying to get another computer with a serial port working to rule out any issues there, but all the old computers I have with the port have issues and I have been unable to get any the boot/work. I do have a usb to serial port adapter, but I've ready they can have a lot of issues so I haven't tried it yet.

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    Default Re: Lost, need help with RS232 connection

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Lost, need help with RS232 connection

Lost, need help with RS232 connection