Need advices for buying a power supply for Leadshine drivers.
I want to build a cnc control unit with 4 Leadshine DM856 drivers and need to know which power supply I should go for.
Are these cheap power supplies from Aliexpress good enough?
Re: Need advices for buying a power supply for Leadshine drivers.
dubious. Switch mode power supplies are cheap but not particularly robust. Aside from anything else the DM856 is an 80V get an 80V supply. Pissing around with 24V, 36V or even 48V is just
not enough. The steppers will work but start missing step at slow speeds.
Ideally you'd get a linear supply, they are just so much more robust and can withstand very heavy overloads for brief periods where a switch mode supply will just fault out, or worse blow up.
Re: Need advices for buying a power supply for Leadshine drivers.
I've run numerous retrofits with those switching types of power supplies and never had any problems with them . There are a lot of examples within these forums of guys using them and even my tormachs came with those supplies . They can also be run in series to gain higher voltages as long as they are equal in output , but thats a case where it's probably better to buy a higher voltage supply