VBA assign button

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Thread: VBA assign button

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
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    Default VBA assign button

    I created some VBA project. I must run it by going to macro and then RUN.
    Is there way to make custom button in menu for running it?


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  2. #2
    Member Maroslav4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Czech Republic

    Default Re: VBA assign button

    Yes of course.

    For example you can create module - Events and use something like this

    Option Explicit

    Function InitAlphacamAddIn(AcamVersion As Long) As Integer

    Dim fr As Frame
    Set fr = App.Frame
    fr.AddMenuItem2 "Test_1111", "show_Form1", acamMenuNEW, "&Write something"
    InitAlphacamAddIn = 1

    End Function

    Function show_Form1()

    Load FrmMain
    End Function

    Check also API documentation in Alphacam - try find Frame.AddMenuItem2

    Postprocessors, VBA macros, .NET programming.

  3. #3

    Default Re: VBA assign button

    Hi I'm new in this forum but I found really interesting topics.
    I created a macro for making automatic (personalized) saw cut after importing the solid from inventor
    to alphacam. I'd like to add a button wich recalls the macro but I can't do it. Have you some suggestions?
    This is the code:
    Option Explicit

    Function InitAlphacamAddIn(AcamVersion As Long) As Integer
    Dim frm As Frame
    Set frm = App.Frame
    frm.AddMenuItem2 "&Lama", "Lama", acamMenuNEW, "Lama"
    frm.AddButton acamButtonBarCAD_GEOMETRY, "Saw.bmp", frm.LastMenuCommandID
    InitAlphacamAddIn = 1
    End Function

    Public Function Lama()
    Dim Drw As Drawing
    Set Drw = App.ActiveDrawing
    App.SelectTool App.LicomdatPath & "LICOMDAT\RTools.Alp\Frese mie\LAMA-160.art"

    Dim lyr As Layer
    For Each lyr In Drw.Layers

    If lyr.Name = "EST" Then

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim Amax As LongLong

    Dim P1 As Path 'Geometria su EST'
    Set P1 = lyr.Geometries(1)
    Amax = P1.GetArea(-1)

    For i = 1 To lyr.Geometries.Count
    If (lyr.Geometries(i).GetArea(-1) > Amax) Then
    Set P1 = lyr.Geometries(i)
    Amax = P1.GetArea(-1)
    End If
    Next i

    Dim P2 As Path
    Set P2 = P1.Copy

    Dim Lam As Layer
    Set Lam = Drw.CreateLayer("LAMA")
    P2.SetLayer Lam

    Dim Xmin As Double
    Xmin = P2.MinXL

    Dim Xmax As Double
    Xmax = P2.MaxXL

    Dim Ymin As Double
    Ymin = P2.MinYL

    Dim Ymax As Double
    Ymax = P2.MaxYL
    Dim h As Integer
    h = Drw.SolidParts(1).MinZ

    Dim L1 As Path
    Set L1 = Drw.Create2DLine(Xmin - 10, Ymax, Xmax + 60, Ymax)
    L1.SetLayer Lam

    Dim L2 As Path
    Set L2 = Drw.Create2DLine(Xmax, Ymax + 60, Xmax, Ymin - 60)
    L2.SetLayer Lam

    Dim L3 As Path
    Set L3 = Drw.Create2DLine(Xmin - 10, Ymin, Xmax + 60, Ymin)
    L3.SetLayer Lam

    Dim L4 As Path
    Set L4 = Drw.Create2DLine(Xmin, Ymax + 60, Xmin, Ymin - 60)
    L4.SetLayer Lam

    L4.ToolInOut = acamOUTSIDE
    L4.Selected = True
    Dim MD As MillData
    Set MD = App.CreateMillData

    MD.SawOpenEnds = acamSawCUT_ON
    MD.SawHeadPosition = acamSawHeadLEFT
    MD.FinalDepth = h - 3
    MD.NumberOfCuts = 1
    Dim PS As Paths
    Set PS = MD.Saw

    L2.ToolInOut = acamOUTSIDE
    L2.Selected = True
    Set MD = App.CreateMillData
    MD.SawOpenEnds = acamSawCUT_ON
    MD.SawHeadPosition = acamSawHeadRIGHT
    MD.FinalDepth = -21 'Z +3: dovrei leggerlo da altro layer'
    MD.NumberOfCuts = 1
    Set PS = MD.Saw

    L1.ToolInOut = acamOUTSIDE
    L1.Selected = True
    Set MD = App.CreateMillData
    MD.SawOpenEnds = acamSawCUT_ON
    MD.SawHeadPosition = acamSawHeadRIGHT
    MD.FinalDepth = -21 'Z +3: dovrei leggerlo da altro layer'
    MD.NumberOfCuts = 1
    Set PS = MD.Saw

    L3.ToolInOut = acamOUTSIDE
    L3.Selected = True
    Set MD = App.CreateMillData
    MD.SawOpenEnds = acamSawCUT_ON
    MD.SawHeadPosition = acamSawHeadLEFT
    MD.FinalDepth = -21 'Z +3: dovrei leggerlo da altro layer'
    MD.NumberOfCuts = 1
    Set PS = MD.Saw

    End If
    Next lyr

    End Function

    Thank you!

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VBA assign button