CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam - Page 3

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Thread: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

  1. #41

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    Quote Originally Posted by john-100 View Post
    Hi Genesio

    I connected an Arduino to my PC yesterday and can see Estlcam can control the Arduino
    but I have not found any information on how Mach3 can comunicate with the arduino

    I would of thought Estlcam would add a "plugin" software patch to mach
    like other motion controllers do to replace the Mach3 "pulse engine " software that controls the printerport hardware

    Hi, John.
    Got it. Now I'm looking for a script that can "auto Zero" the 3 axes x, y, z (auto zero button) using mach3 ...If you know...tell me about, please.
    I do not think I'll be able to use Estcam and Mach3 ...
    Thank you!

    Last edited by genesiospinola; 08-30-2017 at 05:12 AM.

  2. #42

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    Quote Originally Posted by john-100 View Post
    Hi Genesio

    I connected an Arduino to my PC yesterday and can see Estlcam can control the Arduino
    but I have not found any information on how Mach3 can comunicate with the arduino

    I would of thought Estlcam would add a "plugin" software patch to mach
    like other motion controllers do to replace the Mach3 "pulse engine " software that controls the printerport hardware

    Hi John!
    Could i use this script below in Mach3 to auto zero, and how can i adjust. I use metric unit (mm), 6mm bit, and no touch plaste, but aluminium tape, that i think to put front of the material (y), right of the material(x) and top (z).
    Thank you!

    ' Auto Z and Corner Finding Touch Plate Script version 1.2 - CNC Router Parts 2017
    Public TouchPlateHeight, ProbeFeedRate, XProbeDistance, YProbeDistance, ZProbeDistance, TouchPlateWidth, XProbeDirection, YProbeDirection, ZTravelHeight, ZLiftHeight, ToolDiameter As Double
    Public ProbeX, ProbeY, PauseProbe, Abort, isImperial, isImperialUOM As Boolean

    Sub Main

    NoPrompt = False ' False = Use UI to Prompt User for corner finding options
    PauseProbe = True ' True = Prompt user to rotate tool before X and Y axis probing
    WCSOrigin = 0 ' Default Corner 0=Left/Front 1=Left/Rear 2=Right/Front 3=Right/Rear
    ProbeX = False ' By default, do not probe/zero X (change this to True to change the default)
    ProbeY = False ' By default, do not probe/zero Y (change this to True to change the default)

    ProbeFeedrate = 10 'IPM, Anything from 5-12 IPM will likely work well

    TouchPlateHeight = 1 'CRP Touchplate is 1" nominal, can adjust this number to calibrate (usually not required)
    TouchPlateWidth = 2.205 'Width of Touchplate is 2.205" (56mm) wide
    XProbeDistance = 2 'How long to probe X Axis (inches)
    YProbeDistance = 2 'How long to probe Y Axis (inches)
    ZProbeDistance = 2 'How long to probe Z Axis (inches)
    ZTravelHeight = TouchPlateHeight +.125 'How high to lift tool while probing X and Y (inches)
    ZLiftHeight = TouchPlateHeight + .5 'How high to lift tool after script is complete (inches)
    ToolDiameter = GetOEMDro(105)
    isImperial = GetOEMLED(801)
    isImperialUOM = isImperial
    Abort = True
    If (GetOEMLED(800)) Then
    Message ("Error: Emergency Mode is Active ")
    Exit Function
    End If
    If isImperial = False Then
    ProbeFeedrate = ProbeFeedrate * 25.4
    XProbeDistance = XProbeDistance * 25.4
    YProbeDistance = YProbeDistance * 25.4
    ZProbeDistance = ZProbeDistance * 25.4
    ZTravelHeight = ZTravelHeight * 25.4
    ZLiftHeight = ZLiftHeight * 25.4
    TouchPlateWidth = TouchPlateWidth * 25.4
    TouchPlateHeight = TouchPlateHeight * 25.4
    End If
    If NoPrompt = False Then
    Begin Dialog DlgCheckAxis 15,32,215,90,"Select Axes to Auto Zero",.DlgCheckAxis
    OKButton 140,8,40,14
    CancelButton 140,30,40,14
    GroupBox 10,3,45,50,"",.GroupAxesChk
    CheckBox 12,10,30,8,"Z Axis",.ChkBoxZAxis
    CheckBox 12,26,30,8,"X Axis",.ChkBoxXAxis
    CheckBox 125,50,80,8,"Pause Between Axes",.ChkBoxPauseProbe
    CheckBox 12,42,30,8,"Y Axis",.ChkBoxYAxis
    GroupBox 62,3,55,68,"",.GroupAxesChk
    OptionGroup .grp1
    OptionButton 65,10,50,8,"Left/Front",.ComboLeftFront
    OptionButton 65,26,50,8,"Left/Rear",.ComboLeftRear
    OptionButton 65,42,50,8,"Right/Front",.ComboRightFront
    OptionButton 65,58,50,8,"Right/Rear",.ComboRightRear
    Text 16,75,100,100,"Tool Diameter: ",.TextToolDiaLabel
    TextBox 69,75,30,10,.TextToolDiameter
    OptionGroup .grp2
    OptionButton 104,75,35,10,"inches",.UnitImperial
    OptionButton 139,75,35,10,"mm",.UnitMetric
    End Dialog
    Dim Dlg1 As DlgCheckAxis
    Dlg1.TextToolDiameter = ""+ToolDiameter
    Dlg1.grp1 = WCSOrigin 'default is left/front
    Dlg1.grp2 = 0 'default is inches (Imperial)
    If isImperial = False Then
    Dlg1.grp2 = 1
    End If
    Dlg1.ChkBoxXAxis = ProbeX
    Dlg1.ChkBoxYAxis = ProbeY
    Dlg1.ChkBoxPauseProbe = PauseProbe
    Button = Dialog ( Dlg1 )
    ProbeX = Dlg1.ChkBoxXAxis
    ProbeY = Dlg1.ChkBoxYAxis
    Select Case WCSOrigin
    Case 0
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    Case 1
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    Case 2
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    Case 3
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    End Select
    Abort = false
    End If

    If ( ProbeX Or ProbeY ) Then
    If Not NoPrompt Then
    If IsNumeric(Dlg1.TextToolDiameter) Then
    ToolDiameter = CDbl(Dlg1.TextToolDiameter)
    If (isImperial And Dlg1.grp2 = 1) Then
    ToolDiameter = ToolDiameter/25.4
    End If
    If (Not isImperial And Dlg1.grp2 = 0) Then
    ToolDiameter = ToolDiameter*25.4
    End If
    Code "(Invalid Tool Diameter)"
    Abort = true
    End If
    End If
    ToolDiameterImperial = ToolDiameter
    If Not isImperial Then
    ToolDiameterImperial = ToolDiameter/25.4
    End If
    If (Not Abort And ToolDiameterImperial <= 0) Then
    Code "(Tool Diameter is too small)"
    Abort = true
    End If
    If (Not Abort And ToolDiameterImperial > 2) Then
    Code "(Tool Diameter is too large)"
    Abort = true
    End If
    If (Not Abort And Not NoPrompt) Then
    End If
    End If
    If Not Abort Then
    Message ("Auto Tool Sequence Activating...")
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub AutoZeroMachine()
    If GetOEMLED(825) <> 0 Then 'Check to see if the touch plate is already activated
    Code "(Touch plate is already activated, check connection and try again)"
    FeedCurrent = GetOemDRO(818) 'Get the current settings
    XCurrent = GetDro(0)
    YCurrent = GetDro(1)
    ZCurrent = GetDro(2)
    ToolRad = ToolDiameter/2
    Code "G4 P1" 'Pause 1sec
    Code "F" &ProbeFeedRate
    'Always probe z
    ZNew = ZCurrent - ZProbeDistance
    Code "G31 Z" &ZNew
    While IsMoving()
    Code "G0 Z" &ZTravelHeight 'rapid move back off plate enough to travel
    If ProbeX Then
    If PauseProbe Then
    MsgBox "Align Tool Flutes for X-Axis Travel and Press OK"
    End If
    XNew = XCurrent + (XProbeDistance * XProbeDirection) 'probe vector
    Code "G31 X" &XNew
    While IsMoving() 'wait for the move to finish
    If XProbeDirection = 1 Then
    Code "G0 X" &(TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad 'Center the tool on touch plate
    Code "G0 X" &((TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad)*-1 'Center the tool on touch plate
    End If
    End If
    If ProbeY Then
    If PauseProbe Then
    MsgBox "Align Tool Flutes for Y-Axis Travel and Press OK"
    End If
    YNew = YCurrent + (YProbeDistance * YProbeDirection) 'probe vector
    Code "G31 Y" &YNew
    While IsMoving() 'wait for the move to finish
    If YProbeDirection = 1 Then
    Code "G0 Y" &(TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad 'Center the tool on touch plate
    Code "G0 Y" &((TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad)*-1 'Center the tool on touch plate
    End If
    End If
    Code "G0 Z" &ZLiftHeight
    Code "F" &FeedCurrent 'restore starting feed rate
    Message ("Auto Tool Sequence Complete.")

    End If
    End Sub

    Function DlgCheckAxis( ControlID$, Action%, SuppValue%)
    DlgValue "ChkBoxZAxis", 1
    DlgEnable "ChkBoxZAxis",0
    If DlgValue("ChkBoxPauseProbe") = 1 Then
    PauseProbe = True
    PauseProbe = False

    End If
    If DlgValue("ChkBoxYAxis") = 1 Or DlgValue("ChkBoxXAxis") = 1 Then
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftFront",1
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftRear",1
    DlgEnable "ComboRightFront",1
    DlgEnable "ComboRightRear",1
    DlgEnable "ChkBoxPauseProbe",1
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiameter",1
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiaLabel",1
    DlgEnable "UnitImperial",1
    DlgEnable "UnitMetric",1
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftFront",0
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftRear",0
    DlgEnable "ComboRightFront",0
    DlgEnable "ComboRightRear",0
    DlgEnable "ChkBoxPauseProbe",0
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiameter",0
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiaLabel",0
    DlgEnable "UnitImperial",0
    DlgEnable "UnitMetric",0
    End If

    If DlgValue("ChkBoxXAxis") = 1 Then
    ProbeX = True
    ProbeX = False
    End If
    If DlgValue("ChkBoxYAxis") = 1 Then
    ProbeY = True
    ProbeY = False
    End If
    If Action = 3 And ControlID$ = "TextToolDiameter" And Not IsNumeric(DlgText("TextToolDiameter")) Then
    DlgText "TextToolDiameter",""+ToolDiameter
    End If
    If Action = 2 Then
    If ControlID$ = "UnitMetric" And isImperialUOM Then
    ToolDiameter = CDbl(DlgText("TextToolDiameter"))*25.4
    DlgText "TextToolDiameter",""+ToolDiameter
    isImperialUOM = false
    End If
    If ControlID$ = "UnitImperial" And Not isImperialUOM Then
    ToolDiameter = CDbl(DlgText("TextToolDiameter"))/25.4
    DlgText "TextToolDiameter",""+ToolDiameter
    isImperialUOM = true
    End If
    If ControlID$ = "Ok" Then
    Abort = False
    If DlgValue ("ComboLeftFront") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    ElseIf DlgValue ("ComboLeftRear") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    ElseIf DlgValue ("ComboRightRear") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    ElseIf DlgValue ("ComboRightFront") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Function</pre>

  3. #43

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    Quote Originally Posted by john-100 View Post
    yes , the mach 3 set up needs to be changed to match any change in your wiring

    if you connect your E-stop , probe & limit switches to the 4 wires shown in the picture in post 29

    you will only have one common wire , the probe on pin 10 , stop on pin 13 and all your limit switches on pin 11

    this will enable all the connections to use the opto-isolated inputs on the TB6560 board

    A4 STEP Y -------------------------------- 8
    A5 STEP Z -------------------------------- 5

    D02 OUTPUT 2 ------------------------- ?
    D03 OUTPUT 1 ------------------------- 2, 6, 14
    D04 SPINDLE ON OFF ----------------- ?
    D05 PWM -------------------------------- ?
    D06 PROBE INPUT ---------------------10 --- probe --- end blue wire ----- white wire on the end is the common
    D07 ERROR INPUT ---------------------13 ---stop-------blue wire ------------- white wire on the end is the common
    D08 LIMIT SWITCH 1 ------------------ 11 -----------2nd white wire ---- all limit switches
    D09 LIMIT SWITCH 2 ------------------ 12 ----------- centre pin -- not connected
    D10 LIMIT SWITCH 3 ------------------
    D11 LIMIT SWITCH 4 ------------------ ?
    D12 LIMIT SWITCH 5 ------------------ ?
    D13 LIMIT SWITCH 6 ------------------ ?
    ARDUINO GROUND ------------------- 18-25

    if this limitation is a problem , then you will need to make some connections directly to the arduino

    one possible way could connect the stop & probe via the TB6560 board
    and the 3 axis limit switches directly to the arduino

    A4 STEP Y -------------------------------- 8
    A5 STEP Z -------------------------------- 5

    D02 OUTPUT 2 ------------------------- ?
    D03 OUTPUT 1 ------------------------- 2, 6, 14
    D04 SPINDLE ON OFF ----------------- ?
    D05 PWM -------------------------------- ?
    D06 PROBE INPUT ---------------------10 --- probe --- end blue wire ----- white wire on the end is the common
    D07 ERROR INPUT ---------------------13 ---stop-------blue wire ------------- white wire on the end is the common
    D08 LIMIT SWITCH 1 ------------------ 11------ X limit switch-----------------aduino ground
    D09 LIMIT SWITCH 2 ------------------ 12------ Y limit switch-----------------aduino ground
    D10 LIMIT SWITCH 3 ------------------ 15 ------Z limit switch-----------------aduino ground
    D11 LIMIT SWITCH 4 ------------------ ?
    D12 LIMIT SWITCH 5 ------------------ ?
    D13 LIMIT SWITCH 6 ------------------ ?
    ARDUINO GROUND ------------------- 18-25

    Hi John,
    In thinking to use limit switchs. Pins 11, 12 and 15. Where i find the pin 15 on pb6550 board, please. Probe pin 10, E-stop pin 13. Or... pins 10, 11, 12 for 3 limits switchs. Pin13 e-stop and Pin 15 probe.
    I am using the USS (USB SmoothStepper) board. See here
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-uss-v1-2-board-info-1-jpg
    What you think about?
    Thank you!

    Last edited by genesiospinola; 09-07-2017 at 12:41 PM.

  4. #44
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    your TB6560 board does not have pin 15 connected to a terminal that makes it easy to use unlike the other 4 inputs (pins 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 )

    without soldering wires to the board to use pin 15
    the easiest I can think of other than using the second port on the Smooth Stepper
    is to connect 3 IDC 25 pin D-type connectors to a 25 way ribbon cable instead of a normal printer cable
    ( the IDC 25 pin D-type connectors are used on the cables made for the Smooth Stepper)

    the only downside is your connecting directly to pin 15 ! on the Smooth Stepper
    ( I will have a look for a ready made opto-isolator board )

    as for your earlier question in post 42 about scripts , I don't know !

    as I have not used them ! , its some thing I will need to look into again
    I did try using the same PC as used connecting to the internet but Mach 3 didn't work well with all the other software running in the background so the project went on hold for a while

    I just need to built PC just to use / experiment with to control a CNC machine -
    or replace the DELL Optiplex 755 I am using for the internet
    as I want to keep the asus H110M-D based PC off the net as it has my PDF library of books magazines
    (after all the various upgrades I think I have enough parts for a 3rd PC )


  5. #45


    Hi John.
    I didnt understand how to do this to use the pin15(maybe the probe).

    "without soldering wires to the board to use pin 15
    the easiest I can think of other than using the second port on the Smooth Stepper
    is to connect 3 IDC 25 pin D-type connectors to a 25 way ribbon cable instead of a normal printer cable
    ( the IDC 25 pin D-type connectors are used on the cables made for the Smooth Stepper)"

    The limit switch can be like this? How many I must use?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3854-jpg
    I have a MacBook to use 3D software. I use a Notebook Acer Win7 to run Mach3. But before I must to solve these questions... ��

    Thank you.


    Last edited by genesiospinola; 09-07-2017 at 09:50 PM.

  6. #46

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    Quote Originally Posted by genesiospinola View Post
    Hi John.
    I didnt understand how to do this to use the pin15(maybe the probe).

    "without soldering wires to the board to use pin 15
    the easiest I can think of other than using the second port on the Smooth Stepper
    is to connect 3 IDC 25 pin D-type connectors to a 25 way ribbon cable instead of a normal printer cable
    ( the IDC 25 pin D-type connectors are used on the cables made for the Smooth Stepper)"

    The limit switch can be like this? How many I must use?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3854-jpg
    I have a MacBook to use 3D software. I use a Notebook Acer Win7 to run Mach3. But before I must to solve these questions... ��
    Thank you.

    I'll try to do this
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3857-jpg

    Three pins for limits 10, 11, 12
    One pin for e-stop
    And pin for Probe??



  7. #47
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    using the smooth stepper , a breakout board like this C25 could make the connections easier and protect the smooth stepper

    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-c25r3-smooth-stepper-breakout-board-jpg

    after looking at the photos of your limit switch I found on line
    I have worked out how the microswitch and LED is connected

    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-ck-1300_lrg-jpg

    I would connect each switch to individual inputs on the smooth stepper

    ( connecting the switches in parallel would short circuit the supply

    and they would not work in series unlike the switches shown in your diagram )


    the web link to the wiring diagram use in post 46 would be usefull

  8. #48

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    Hi John,
    I bought now
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3860-jpg

    How can i do this? I have to buy the breakout board like C25? How to connect the wires? Please.
    "using the smooth stepper , a breakout board like this C25 could make the connections easier and protect the smooth stepper"

    Will be like this? Where i must connect the db25 connector from tb6550?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-c25r1d1-jpg

    Now is like this
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3861-jpg

    I thought to do this see here Wire Limit Switches
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3857-jpg

    Three pins for limits 10, 11, 12
    One pin 13 for e-stop
    And pin for Probe??

    What's is better, or can be done, buy the C25?



    Last edited by genesiospinola; 09-08-2017 at 10:07 AM.

  9. #49
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    you don't have to use a C25
    as the TB6560 board does not have pin 15 connected
    the simplest solution is to connect the TB6560 board to port1 using the smoothstepper 26pin to 25 pin D-type cable

    and connect the probe to one of the inputs of port 2 using a ready made opto isolator made for the Arduino to avoid a direct connection between the smoothstepper input and your probe


  10. #50

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam


    So i connect like i do now: the tb6550 to port1 from USB Smooth Stepper
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3861-jpg

    I did not understand the connection: probe to port2 from Smooth Stepper. I must connect only one wire from probe(IN). The ground wire from probe i use from tb6550, like this is now... What is "opto isolator"? What pins i have to use in port2 from Smooth?
    "and connect the probe to one of the inputs of port 2 using a ready made opto isolator made for the Arduino to avoid a direct connection between the smoothstepper input and your probe"
    And how to configure Mach3 to use Smooth's port2 pin?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-config-probe-mach3-jpg

    I think i am almost there... ;-)


  11. #51
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    as the TB6560 board does not have a terninal for a connection to pin 15

    the I assume you are going to connect your limit switches to 3 inputs and your e-stop to the fourth input
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-tb6560-three-axis-limit-switch-wiring-jpg

    thats easy by connecting the TB6560 board to the ribbon cable you have
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-smooth-stepper-ribbon-cable-jpg

    by adding a second cable to your smooth stepper
    the probe could be connected to the ground and an input pin of a 25 pin connector pluged into the second ribbon cable

    in mach 3
    the probe will have to be assigned to port 2

    the 4 inputs on the TB6560 board are connected to the 25 pin connector via opto isolators

    to me it makes sense to connect the probe via another opto isolator

    while you can solder a PC817 and a couple of resistors to a piece of "veroboard"

    ready made boards are available for the Arduino

    they prevent stray currents damaging the smoothsteppers inputs


  12. #52

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    But i did not understand
    how to do: by adding a second cable to your smooth stepper (one wire?)
    the probe could be connected to the ground (the probe ground can be connected in tb6550 like now?)

    and an input pin of a 25 pin connector pluged into the second ribbon cable
    i did not understand how to do this
    I put one wire in Smooth's port2? Where?
    Can i use this wire to connect to Smooth's port2, for probe?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3862-jpg


  13. #53
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    you will need two wires need one to the ground ( pins 18 to 25 )
    and one to the chosen input as configured in mach3 - say pin 10
    just as you have for port 1 for the 3 limitswitch inputs and E-stop



    while you can connect the probe directly to the 25 pin plug

    this is the first result searching for arduino opto-isolator

    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-arduino-4-channel-opto-isolator-jpg

    that when connected to port 2 would duplicate the 4 opto-isolators on the TB6560 connected to port 1

  14. #54

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    port1 Tb6550 board
    pin 10 limit x
    pin 11 limit y
    pin 12 limit z
    pin 13 e-stop
    pin ground (e-stop ground, probe ground)

    port2 Smooth
    probe--->>>opto-isolator IN 1--->>>opto-isolator OUT 1--->>>pin ? port2 Smooth

    Probe: this wire
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3862-jpg

    Put probe wire here IN 1
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-arduino-4-channel-opto-isolator-jpg

    Probe wire OUT 1 from Opto-isolator --->>>>to Smooth port2 pin 10, for exemple

    Is this John?

    (I did not understand this
    "while you can connect the probe directly to the 25 pin plug that when connected to port 2 would duplicate the 4 opto-isolators on the TB6560 connected to port 1")


    Last edited by genesiospinola; 09-08-2017 at 11:45 AM.

  15. #55
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    yes , thats correct
    in addition to the signal connections the opto -isolator board will need a 5V supply as well
    I think you can take +5V from the TB6560 boards remote control 15 pin connector


  16. #56

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    Ok. I have to see this, if i find what you said.
    "I think you can take +5V from the TB6560 boards remote control 15 pin connector "

    And...can i connect the probe wire to any port2 pin, from Smooth?


  17. #57
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    you can use any input pin on port 2
    I'll need to check but pins 10 to 13 + 15 and pins 2 to 9

    with ref to post 54

    (I did not understand this
    "while you can connect the probe directly to the 25 pin plug that when connected to port 2 would duplicate the 4 opto-isolators on the TB6560 connected to port 1")

    this is the 14 opto-isolators on your TB6560 board
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-tb6560-opto-isolators-jpg

    with the added 4 channel opto-isolator connected to port 2
    you can duplicate the 4 inputs on the TB6560 board


    going by the manual for the TB6560 board
    pin 15 on the 15 way remote connector is connected to +5V

  18. #58

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    Ok John. Port2 from Smooth, right? I understand now.

    And where i find the 5V from tb6550 to connect to the opto-isolator?
    I am not finding the opto-isolator here im my city yet...Is there another option?

    This pin 15 is not a possible input for the probe?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-pin-15-jpg

    Have i to activate port2 on Mach3?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-port2-jpg

    Thank you.

    Last edited by genesiospinola; 09-08-2017 at 12:50 PM.

  19. #59
    Member john-100's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    on the 15 way connector
    pin 15 a +5V output to power the wired remote for the TB6560 board

    what type of probe do you have ?

    if it can be isolated from your machine you could use a coaxial cable to connect it directly to the smooth stepper port 2


  20. #60

    Default Re: CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

    My probe is like this
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-probe-jpg

    Could be like this?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-img_3864-jpg

    Have i to activate port2 on Mach3?
    CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam-port2-jpg

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CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam

CNC TB6550 Board Arduino UNO Board Estlcam