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Thread: Pic16f628a code

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Default Pic16f628a code

    Hi can someone show me how to change the code for the Timeout from 5mins-45sec to 10 sec PIC16F628A LMD18245

    Also is it possiblle to power down my steppers when idle in Mach 3 this is a feature in Kcam which I found very usefull All assistance much appreciated CHEERS Nick

    This is the ASM file from Alan Garfield

    title "PICStep V2.0"



    ; Registers
    UDATA 0x020
    step RES 1
    portA_shadow RES 1
    mode RES 1
    lookup RES 1
    temp RES 1
    timeout_reg RES 1
    timeout RES 2

    _w RES 1
    _status RES 1
    _fsr RES 1
    _pclath RES 1


    org 0
    goto Mainline ; Main line vector

    org 4
    goto Interupt ; Interupt vector


    ; Save Current Context
    movwf _w
    movf STATUS, w
    bcf STATUS, RP1
    bcf STATUS, RP0
    movwf _status
    movf FSR, w
    movwf _fsr
    movf PCLATH, w
    movwf _pclath
    clrf PCLATH

    ; Interrupt service routine
    btfsc INTCON, INTF
    call INTB0 ; Call INTBO interrupt handler

    btfsc PIR1, TMR2IF
    call TIMEOUT ; Call TIMEOUT interrupt handler

    ; Reset Current Context
    movf _pclath, w
    movwf PCLATH
    movf _fsr, w
    movwf FSR
    movf _status, w
    movwf STATUS
    swapf _w, f
    swapf _w, w

    ; Handle interupt on RB0

    clrf timeout ; Reset timeout timer and register
    clrf timeout + 1
    clrf timeout_reg

    ; Advance the index position
    movwf PCLATH
    movf mode, w ; Load the current mode
    call MODE_TABLE ; Get the advance value for this mode
    movwf lookup ; Store it for later

    btfss PORTB, 1 ; Check on the direction pin (RB1)
    goto $ + 4 ; Jump over step addition

    addwf step, w ; Add the current mode to the current position value
    movwf step ; Update step
    goto $ + 3 ; Jump over step subtraction

    subwf step, w ; Subtract the current mode from the current position value
    movwf step ; Update step

    ; Bounds check the table
    movlw 0x040 ; Check if step has overflowed the edge of the table
    subwf step, w
    btfsc STATUS, Z
    clrf step

    movf lookup, w ; Check if step has underflowed the edge of the table
    sublw 0x040
    subwf step, w
    btfsc STATUS, C
    subwf step, f

    ; Process DAC A
    movwf PCLATH
    movf step, w ; Reload step into w
    call STEP_TABLE_A ; Get the result from the table
    movwf lookup ; Store the fetched results for later

    btfss PORTB, 1 ; Check on the direction pin (RB1)
    rlf lookup, w ; Rotate to the alternate direction bit to fix a bug in LMD

    xorwf PORTB, w ; Prepare the direction bit for DAC A
    andlw B'10000000' ; Mask out the direction bit
    xorwf PORTB, f ; Output the direction bit

    movf lookup, w ; Reload the fetched table results

    andlw B'00001111' ; Mask out the upper nibble
    movwf PORTA ; Output the DAC results for A

    ; Process DAC B
    movwf PCLATH
    movf step, w ; Reload step into w
    call STEP_TABLE_B ; Get the result from the table
    movwf lookup ; Store the fetched results for later

    btfss PORTB, 1 ; Check on the direction pin (RB1)
    rlf lookup, w ; Rotate to the alternate direction bit to fix a bug in LMD

    xorwf PORTB, w ; Prepare the direction bit for DAC B
    andlw B'01000000' ; Mask out the direction bit
    xorwf PORTB, f ; Output the direction bit

    rlf lookup, f ; Rotate lookup left in place
    rlf lookup, w ; Rotate again but into WREG

    xorwf PORTB, w
    andlw B'00111100' ; Mask out the not needed bits
    xorwf PORTB, f ; Output the DAC results for B

    bcf INTCON, INTF ; Clear RB0 Interrupt flag


    ; Handle motor timeout TMR2 interrupt and return ASAP

    bsf timeout_reg, 7 ; Set the timeout bit so the count can increment
    bcf PIR1, TMR2IF ; Clear TMR2 Interrupt flag



    ; Initialize Variables

    clrf step
    clrf mode
    clrf lookup

    clrf timeout
    clrf timeout + 1
    clrf timeout_reg

    ; Setup I/O ports / Timers

    clrf PORTA ;Initialize PORTA
    clrf PORTB ;Initialize PORTB

    movlw (1 << CM0) | (1 << CM1) | (1 << CM2) ;Turn comparators off and
    movwf CMCON ;enable pins for I/O

    bcf STATUS, RP1
    bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank1

    movlw B'11110000' ;Set RA<0:3> as outputs
    movwf TRISA ^ 0x080

    movlw B'00000011' ;Set RB<2:7> as outputs
    movwf TRISB ^ 0x080

    movlw (1 << INTEDG) ;Setup Interupt Edge
    movwf OPTION_REG ^ 0x080

    movlw (1 << TMR2IE) ; Enable TMR2 Interupt
    movwf PIE1 ^ 0x080

    bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Select Bank0

    movlw B'01111111' ; Turn on TMR2 with 1/16 pre and post scaler
    movwf T2CON ^ 0x080

    movlw (1 << GIE) | (1 << INTE) | (1 << PEIE) ; Enable global interupts, perph and RB0 Interupts
    movwf INTCON ^ 0x080


    ; Clear the watchdog timer (maximum loop for entire code is ~0.18ms watchdog is 18ms plenty of time!)

    ; Monitor the mode switches
    movf PORTA, w
    movwf temp

    rrf temp, f
    rrf temp, f
    rrf temp, f
    rrf temp, w
    andlw B'00000011'
    movwf mode


    ; Motor timeout counter

    btfss timeout_reg, 7 ; Check to see if a timeout interrupt has occured
    goto Loop

    ; Timeout interrupt occured updated counter
    bcf timeout_reg, 7 ; Reset the Interrupt flag

    incfsz timeout, w ; Increment the 16 bit timeout value
    decf timeout + 1, f
    incf timeout + 1, f
    movwf timeout
    iorwf timeout + 1, w

    movwf timeout ; Test if the timeout value has overflowed
    btfss STATUS, Z
    goto Loop
    movwf timeout + 1
    btfss STATUS, Z
    goto Loop

    incf timeout_reg, f ; Increase the timeout reg value

    btfss timeout_reg, 2 ; Check we've been around the 4 times of the 16 bit counter (~5 minutes 45 seconds @ 20MHz)
    goto Loop

    ; Timeout!
    clrf PORTA ; Reset PORTA and PORTB to turn off the motors
    clrf PORTB ; The next INTB0 will awaken them again

    goto Loop

    org 0x100

    ; 1/16 Step DAC A Table
    addwf PCL, 1 ;Deg DAC A
    retlw B'01000000' ;0 0.00 0 ---
    retlw B'00000001' ;5 0.10 1
    retlw B'00000010' ;11 0.20 2
    retlw B'00000100' ;16 0.29 4
    retlw B'00000101' ;22 0.38 5
    retlw B'00000111' ;28 0.47 7
    retlw B'00001000' ;33 0.56 8
    retlw B'00001001' ;39 0.63 9
    retlw B'00001010' ;45 0.71 10
    retlw B'00001011' ;50 0.77 11
    retlw B'00001100' ;56 0.83 12
    retlw B'00001101' ;61 0.88 13
    retlw B'00001101' ;67 0.92 13
    retlw B'00001110' ;73 0.96 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;78 0.98 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;84 1.00 14
    retlw B'00001111' ;90 1.00 15 ---
    retlw B'00001110' ;95 1.00 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;101 0.98 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;106 0.96 14
    retlw B'00001101' ;112 0.92 13
    retlw B'00001101' ;118 0.88 13
    retlw B'00001100' ;123 0.83 12
    retlw B'00001011' ;129 0.77 11
    retlw B'00001010' ;135 0.71 10
    retlw B'00001001' ;140 0.63 9
    retlw B'00001000' ;146 0.56 8
    retlw B'00000111' ;151 0.47 7
    retlw B'00000101' ;157 0.38 5
    retlw B'00000100' ;163 0.29 4
    retlw B'00000010' ;168 0.20 2
    retlw B'00000001' ;174 0.10 1
    retlw B'10000000' ;180 0.00 0 ---
    retlw B'11000001' ;185 -0.10 -1
    retlw B'11000010' ;191 -0.20 -2
    retlw B'11000100' ;196 -0.29 -4
    retlw B'11000101' ;202 -0.38 -5
    retlw B'11000111' ;208 -0.47 -7
    retlw B'11001000' ;213 -0.56 -8
    retlw B'11001001' ;219 -0.63 -9
    retlw B'11001010' ;225 -0.71 -10
    retlw B'11001011' ;230 -0.77 -11
    retlw B'11001100' ;236 -0.83 -12
    retlw B'11001101' ;241 -0.88 -13
    retlw B'11001101' ;247 -0.92 -13
    retlw B'11001110' ;253 -0.96 -14
    retlw B'11001110' ;258 -0.98 -14
    retlw B'11001110' ;264 -1.00 -14
    retlw B'11001111' ;270 -1.00 -15
    retlw B'11001110' ;275 -1.00 -14 ---
    retlw B'11001110' ;281 -0.98 -14
    retlw B'11001110' ;286 -0.96 -14
    retlw B'11001101' ;292 -0.92 -13
    retlw B'11001101' ;298 -0.88 -13
    retlw B'11001100' ;303 -0.83 -12
    retlw B'11001011' ;309 -0.77 -11
    retlw B'11001010' ;315 -0.71 -10
    retlw B'11001001' ;320 -0.63 -9
    retlw B'11001000' ;326 -0.56 -8
    retlw B'11000111' ;331 -0.47 -7
    retlw B'11000101' ;337 -0.38 -5
    retlw B'11000100' ;343 -0.29 -4
    retlw B'11000010' ;348 -0.20 -2
    retlw B'11000001' ;354 -0.10 -1

    ; 1/16 Step DAC B Table
    addwf PCL, 1 ;Deg DAC B
    retlw B'01101111' ;0 -1.00 -15 ---
    retlw B'01101110' ;5 -1.00 -14
    retlw B'01101110' ;11 -0.98 -14
    retlw B'01101110' ;16 -0.96 -14
    retlw B'01101101' ;22 -0.92 -13
    retlw B'01101101' ;28 -0.88 -13
    retlw B'01101100' ;33 -0.83 -12
    retlw B'01101011' ;39 -0.77 -11
    retlw B'01101010' ;45 -0.71 -10
    retlw B'01101001' ;50 -0.63 -9
    retlw B'01101000' ;56 -0.56 -8
    retlw B'01100111' ;61 -0.47 -7
    retlw B'01100101' ;67 -0.38 -5
    retlw B'01100100' ;73 -0.29 -4
    retlw B'01100010' ;78 -0.20 -2
    retlw B'01100001' ;84 -0.10 -1
    retlw B'00100000' ;90 0.00 0 ---
    retlw B'00000001' ;95 0.10 1
    retlw B'00000010' ;101 0.20 2
    retlw B'00000100' ;106 0.29 4
    retlw B'00000101' ;112 0.38 5
    retlw B'00000111' ;118 0.47 7
    retlw B'00001000' ;123 0.56 8
    retlw B'00001001' ;129 0.63 9
    retlw B'00001010' ;135 0.71 10
    retlw B'00001011' ;140 0.77 11
    retlw B'00001100' ;146 0.83 12
    retlw B'00001101' ;151 0.88 13
    retlw B'00001101' ;157 0.92 13
    retlw B'00001110' ;163 0.96 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;168 0.98 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;174 1.00 14
    retlw B'00001111' ;180 1.00 15 ---
    retlw B'00001110' ;185 1.00 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;191 0.98 14
    retlw B'00001110' ;196 0.96 14
    retlw B'00001101' ;202 0.92 13
    retlw B'00001101' ;208 0.88 13
    retlw B'00001100' ;213 0.83 12
    retlw B'00001011' ;219 0.77 11
    retlw B'00001010' ;225 0.71 10
    retlw B'00001001' ;230 0.63 9
    retlw B'00001000' ;236 0.56 8
    retlw B'00000111' ;241 0.47 7
    retlw B'00000101' ;247 0.38 5
    retlw B'00000100' ;253 0.29 4
    retlw B'00000010' ;258 0.20 2
    retlw B'00000001' ;264 0.10 1
    retlw B'01000000' ;270 0.00 0 ---
    retlw B'01100001' ;275 -0.10 -1
    retlw B'01100010' ;281 -0.20 -2
    retlw B'01100100' ;286 -0.29 -4
    retlw B'01100101' ;292 -0.38 -5
    retlw B'01100111' ;298 -0.47 -7
    retlw B'01101000' ;303 -0.56 -8
    retlw B'01101001' ;309 -0.63 -9
    retlw B'01101010' ;315 -0.71 -10
    retlw B'01101011' ;320 -0.77 -11
    retlw B'01101100' ;326 -0.83 -12
    retlw B'01101101' ;331 -0.88 -13
    retlw B'01101101' ;337 -0.92 -13
    retlw B'01101110' ;343 -0.96 -14
    retlw B'01101110' ;348 -0.98 -14
    retlw B'01101110' ;354 -1.00 -14

    addwf PCL, 1
    retlw 0x001 ; 1/16
    retlw 0x002 ; 1/8
    retlw 0x004 ; 1/4
    retlw 0x008 ; 1/2


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  2. #2
    Community Moderator Al_The_Man's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    It looks like the amount iterations of the Timer_reg maybe will change it, Timer 2 is already set for 16 pre/post scaling.
    Maybe running it through the MLAB simulator will show where you can increase it?

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