Australia Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

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Thread: Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

    I've just finished building another cnc router. I bought the 4848 pro kit from cncrouterparts. Excellent bit if kit and I'm very happy with the unit apart from trying to find metric code to drive the touch plate. I bought the Z and corner finding touch plate from them and it works briliant except the code puts the Z axis into inch mode on the DRO. Is there anyone out there that has the same unit (z and corner touch plate) that has converted the supplied code to metric?
    While I do appreciate all replies please do not direct me to random scripts that use pieces of aluminium etc. I've been down that route. I need the script for this particular touch off plate that has the dimensions for this plate.

    I will include the code that is available off their site (so I don't think it is proprietary or sacred or anything like that). If any of you clever people can tell me how I change the code so that it thinks and displays in mm that would be most appreciated.

    ' Auto Z and Corner Finding Touch Plate Script version 1.2 - CNC Router Parts 2017
    Public TouchPlateHeight, ProbeFeedRate, XProbeDistance, YProbeDistance, ZProbeDistance, TouchPlateWidth, XProbeDirection, YProbeDirection, ZTravelHeight, ZLiftHeight, ToolDiameter As Double
    Public ProbeX, ProbeY, PauseProbe, Abort, isImperial, isImperialUOM As Boolean

    Sub Main

    NoPrompt = False ' False = Use UI to Prompt User for corner finding options
    PauseProbe = True ' True = Prompt user to rotate tool before X and Y axis probing
    WCSOrigin = 0 ' Default Corner 0=Left/Front 1=Left/Rear 2=Right/Front 3=Right/Rear

    ProbeX = False ' By default, do not probe/zero X (change this to True to change the default)
    ProbeY = False ' By default, do not probe/zero Y (change this to True to change the default)

    ProbeFeedrate = 10 'IPM, Anything from 5-12 IPM will likely work well

    TouchPlateHeight = 1 'CRP Touchplate is 1" nominal, can adjust this number to calibrate (usually not required)
    TouchPlateWidth = 2.205 'Width of Touchplate is 2.205" (56mm) wide
    XProbeDistance = 2 'How long to probe X Axis (inches)
    YProbeDistance = 2 'How long to probe Y Axis (inches)
    ZProbeDistance = 2 'How long to probe Z Axis (inches)
    ZTravelHeight = TouchPlateHeight +.125 'How high to lift tool while probing X and Y (inches)
    ZLiftHeight = TouchPlateHeight + .5 'How high to lift tool after script is complete (inches)

    ToolDiameter = GetOEMDro(105)
    isImperial = GetOEMLED(801)
    isImperialUOM = isImperial
    Abort = True

    If (GetOEMLED(800)) Then
    Message ("Error: Emergency Mode is Active ")
    Exit Function
    End If

    If isImperial = False Then
    ProbeFeedrate = ProbeFeedrate * 25.4
    XProbeDistance = XProbeDistance * 25.4
    YProbeDistance = YProbeDistance * 25.4
    ZProbeDistance = ZProbeDistance * 25.4
    ZTravelHeight = ZTravelHeight * 25.4
    ZLiftHeight = ZLiftHeight * 25.4
    TouchPlateWidth = TouchPlateWidth * 25.4
    TouchPlateHeight = TouchPlateHeight * 25.4
    End If

    If NoPrompt = False Then
    Begin Dialog DlgCheckAxis 15,32,215,90,"Select Axes to Auto Zero",.DlgCheckAxis
    OKButton 140,8,40,14
    CancelButton 140,30,40,14
    GroupBox 10,3,45,50,"",.GroupAxesChk
    CheckBox 12,10,30,8,"Z Axis",.ChkBoxZAxis
    CheckBox 12,26,30,8,"X Axis",.ChkBoxXAxis
    CheckBox 125,50,80,8,"Pause Between Axes",.ChkBoxPauseProbe
    CheckBox 12,42,30,8,"Y Axis",.ChkBoxYAxis
    GroupBox 62,3,55,68,"",.GroupAxesChk

    OptionGroup .grp1
    OptionButton 65,10,50,8,"Left/Front",.ComboLeftFront
    OptionButton 65,26,50,8,"Left/Rear",.ComboLeftRear
    OptionButton 65,42,50,8,"Right/Front",.ComboRightFront
    OptionButton 65,58,50,8,"Right/Rear",.ComboRightRear

    Text 16,75,100,100,"Tool Diameter: ",.TextToolDiaLabel
    TextBox 69,75,30,10,.TextToolDiameter

    OptionGroup .grp2
    OptionButton 104,75,35,10,"inches",.UnitImperial
    OptionButton 139,75,35,10,"mm",.UnitMetric

    End Dialog

    Dim Dlg1 As DlgCheckAxis

    Dlg1.TextToolDiameter = ""+ToolDiameter
    Dlg1.grp1 = WCSOrigin 'default is left/front
    Dlg1.grp2 = 0 'default is inches (Imperial)
    If isImperial = False Then
    Dlg1.grp2 = 1
    End If
    Dlg1.ChkBoxXAxis = ProbeX
    Dlg1.ChkBoxYAxis = ProbeY
    Dlg1.ChkBoxPauseProbe = PauseProbe
    Button = Dialog ( Dlg1 )
    ProbeX = Dlg1.ChkBoxXAxis
    ProbeY = Dlg1.ChkBoxYAxis
    Select Case WCSOrigin
    Case 0
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    Case 1
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    Case 2
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    Case 3
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    End Select
    Abort = false
    End If

    If ( ProbeX Or ProbeY ) Then
    If Not NoPrompt Then
    If IsNumeric(Dlg1.TextToolDiameter) Then
    ToolDiameter = CDbl(Dlg1.TextToolDiameter)
    If (isImperial And Dlg1.grp2 = 1) Then
    ToolDiameter = ToolDiameter/25.4
    End If
    If (Not isImperial And Dlg1.grp2 = 0) Then
    ToolDiameter = ToolDiameter*25.4
    End If
    Code "(Invalid Tool Diameter)"
    Abort = true
    End If
    End If

    ToolDiameterImperial = ToolDiameter
    If Not isImperial Then
    ToolDiameterImperial = ToolDiameter/25.4
    End If
    If (Not Abort And ToolDiameterImperial <= 0) Then
    Code "(Tool Diameter is too small)"
    Abort = true
    End If
    If (Not Abort And ToolDiameterImperial > 2) Then
    Code "(Tool Diameter is too large)"
    Abort = true
    End If

    If (Not Abort And Not NoPrompt) Then
    End If
    End If

    If Not Abort Then
    Message ("Auto Tool Sequence Activating...")
    End If
    End Sub

    Sub AutoZeroMachine()
    If GetOEMLED(825) <> 0 Then 'Check to see if the touch plate is already activated
    Code "(Touch plate is already activated, check connection and try again)"
    FeedCurrent = GetOemDRO(818) 'Get the current settings
    XCurrent = GetDro(0)
    YCurrent = GetDro(1)
    ZCurrent = GetDro(2)

    ToolRad = ToolDiameter/2

    Code "G4 P1" 'Pause 1sec
    Code "F" &ProbeFeedRate

    'Always probe z
    ZNew = ZCurrent - ZProbeDistance
    Code "G31 Z" &ZNew
    While IsMoving()
    Code "G0 Z" &ZTravelHeight 'rapid move back off plate enough to travel

    If ProbeX Then
    If PauseProbe Then
    MsgBox "Align Tool Flutes for X-Axis Travel and Press OK"
    End If
    XNew = XCurrent + (XProbeDistance * XProbeDirection) 'probe vector
    Code "G31 X" &XNew
    While IsMoving() 'wait for the move to finish

    If XProbeDirection = 1 Then
    Code "G0 X" &(TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad 'Center the tool on touch plate
    Code "G0 X" &((TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad)*-1 'Center the tool on touch plate
    End If
    End If

    If ProbeY Then
    If PauseProbe Then
    MsgBox "Align Tool Flutes for Y-Axis Travel and Press OK"
    End If
    YNew = YCurrent + (YProbeDistance * YProbeDirection) 'probe vector
    Code "G31 Y" &YNew
    While IsMoving() 'wait for the move to finish

    If YProbeDirection = 1 Then
    Code "G0 Y" &(TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad 'Center the tool on touch plate
    Code "G0 Y" &((TouchPlateWidth/2)-ToolRad)*-1 'Center the tool on touch plate
    End If
    End If

    Code "G0 Z" &ZLiftHeight
    Code "F" &FeedCurrent 'restore starting feed rate
    Message ("Auto Tool Sequence Complete.")

    End If
    End Sub

    Function DlgCheckAxis( ControlID$, Action%, SuppValue%)
    DlgValue "ChkBoxZAxis", 1
    DlgEnable "ChkBoxZAxis",0

    If DlgValue("ChkBoxPauseProbe") = 1 Then
    PauseProbe = True
    PauseProbe = False

    End If

    If DlgValue("ChkBoxYAxis") = 1 Or DlgValue("ChkBoxXAxis") = 1 Then
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftFront",1
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftRear",1
    DlgEnable "ComboRightFront",1
    DlgEnable "ComboRightRear",1
    DlgEnable "ChkBoxPauseProbe",1
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiameter",1
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiaLabel",1
    DlgEnable "UnitImperial",1
    DlgEnable "UnitMetric",1
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftFront",0
    DlgEnable "ComboLeftRear",0
    DlgEnable "ComboRightFront",0
    DlgEnable "ComboRightRear",0
    DlgEnable "ChkBoxPauseProbe",0
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiameter",0
    DlgEnable "TextToolDiaLabel",0
    DlgEnable "UnitImperial",0
    DlgEnable "UnitMetric",0
    End If

    If DlgValue("ChkBoxXAxis") = 1 Then
    ProbeX = True
    ProbeX = False
    End If

    If DlgValue("ChkBoxYAxis") = 1 Then
    ProbeY = True
    ProbeY = False
    End If

    If Action = 3 And ControlID$ = "TextToolDiameter" And Not IsNumeric(DlgText("TextToolDiameter")) Then
    DlgText "TextToolDiameter",""+ToolDiameter
    End If

    If Action = 2 Then
    If ControlID$ = "UnitMetric" And isImperialUOM Then
    ToolDiameter = CDbl(DlgText("TextToolDiameter"))*25.4
    DlgText "TextToolDiameter",""+ToolDiameter
    isImperialUOM = false
    End If
    If ControlID$ = "UnitImperial" And Not isImperialUOM Then
    ToolDiameter = CDbl(DlgText("TextToolDiameter"))/25.4
    DlgText "TextToolDiameter",""+ToolDiameter
    isImperialUOM = true
    End If
    If ControlID$ = "Ok" Then
    Abort = False
    If DlgValue ("ComboLeftFront") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    ElseIf DlgValue ("ComboLeftRear") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = 1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    ElseIf DlgValue ("ComboRightRear") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = -1
    ElseIf DlgValue ("ComboRightFront") = 1 Then
    XProbeDirection = -1
    YProbeDirection = 1
    End If
    End If
    End If

    Any help, assistance, wise counsel is as always most appreciated.


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  2. #2
    Member Sterob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

    Google didn't throw up any clues... Have you tried emailing CNC Parts and see if they have a metric version already?
    If not they may be able to tell you what you need to change.
    I'm not smart enough to help you...sorry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

    Thanks Steve, but I feel a tad sheepish... it had nothing to do with the script. I had loaded their default xml file and it had the motor control in inches. I've changed it to metric (divide inch per steps by 25.4 and times velocity and accelleration by 25.4) and it now works as expected. I will check to see that all axis' move the correct amount before bringing it into service.

    Thanks again and sorry to have wasted everyone's time...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

    I promise not to direct you to an ally touch plate I just Input metric dimensions gurubru gave me the clue on the script but alas it was for Mach,luck to you wasted time is an impossible thing to do .

  5. #5
    Member Sterob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

    No need to apologize. We have all found out the solution. Thanks for letting us know.I'm sure someone else will come across the same situation, one day, and maybe they will Google and find these posts.
    I may be interested in the same touch plate so this will help definitely help me.


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Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric

Auto z and corner touch off plate code in metric